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Aries September ❤️- Emotional Renewal and Hidden Fears

Sep 2, 2024 | Aries

Remember: Even if this post was from a while ago, you are seeing this because you were meant to see this. Time is fluid. If you’re here, this message was meant for you.

Today I pulled for the collective Aries sign about what to expect for love and relationships in September. 

The question asked of the Universe and Guides was: “What can Aries expect for romantic love in September? Please provide oracle card for singles and one for those in committed relationships and clarify each with tarot. Please provide another oracle card for each.”

Cards pulled:

Singles: Unknown Horizon
Tarot: Five of Cups (reversed), Page of Cups, Temperance (reversed).
Oracle card: Journey

Committed: Mirror of Phantoms
Tarot: The World (reversed), Eight of Wands, Knight of Pentacles (reversed).
Oracle card: Listen

My interpretation:

For single Aries, the card “Unknown Horizons” has appeared, symbolizing “Hope and Possibilities.” This suggests that you are moving toward a more positive mindset, becoming more open to receiving love. The clarifying cards—the Five of Cups reversed, the Page of Cups, and Temperance reversed—provide further insights. The Five of Cups reversed indicates that you are letting go of past hurts and embracing hope and optimism for the future. This card perfectly complements “Unknown Horizons,” as September will be a time of complete renewal for you. If you’ve been struggling with emotional pain, you’ll find yourself successfully releasing it and moving beyond negative feelings. The Page of Cups speaks to new beginnings in love and an emotional renewal, suggesting that you will not only overcome sadness and grief but also find your heart open to new romantic opportunities. You’ll be in a more positive, receptive mindset, ready to embrace love when it comes your way. However, Temperance in reverse serves as a gentle warning. While you’ll mostly find yourself in a healed, positive state, there may be moments of emotional turbulence—times when old heartbreak resurfaces. This is normal; it happens to everyone. Your oracle card, “Journey,” with the message, “Half the treasure is the journey on the path to finding it,” reinforces this idea. While you may experience some ups and downs emotionally, this is all part of your healing journey. Overall, you’ll find yourself in a much better place, free from past burdens.

For those Aries in relationships, whether stable or unstable, the card “Mirror of Phantoms” appears for September, conveying the message: “Hidden desires, fears, or potentials. We need to face up to our inner world.” This suggests that many of you may be confronting unresolved issues within your relationships, leading to deep-seated fears. This message is clarified by The World reversed, the Eight of Wands, and the Knight of Pentacles reversed. The World reversed indicates a fear of your relationship ending or unresolved issues impacting your communication. It seems likely that these concerns aren’t being openly discussed with your partner. The Eight of Wands encourages swift and direct communication to resolve these issues. It’s crucial to address these matters promptly with your partner. If they have a fear of conflict, create a safe space for them, letting them know how important it is to have this conversation. The Knight of Pentacles reversed reflects a fear of commitment, perhaps suggesting that you don’t feel like a priority in your partner’s life. Your oracle card, “Listen,” with the message, “The secrets of the sea become apparent when we listen to the sound within the shells,” advises you to listen to your inner voice and understand what truly troubles you. This inner awareness will empower you when you gather the courage to communicate with your partner.

Decks Used:

Gold Foil Tarot (Rose) by Lyingfish, The Unknown Crisis Cards, Sea Melodies Oracle by Jessica Le.

Disclaimer: This is a collective read. This might not be reflective of your unique situation. If it doesn’t resonate, please do ignore this read. Also, very often roles can be reversed.

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