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Aries – Your Person’s Intentions (Overwhelmed) and Actions (Love Bomb)

Sep 9, 2024 | Aries

Remember: Even if this post was from a while ago, you are seeing this because you were meant to see this. Time is fluid. If you’re here, this message was meant for you.

Today I pulled for the collective Aries sign about the intentions and future actions of the person on their mind in a romantic connection.

The question asked of the Universe and Guides was: “What are the intentions of the person on Aries’ mind and what are their most likely future actions toward Aries? Clarify each with a reason and provide an overall message to describe the connection.”

Cards pulled:

Intentions: The Chariot (reversed), King of Wands (reversed), King of Pentacles.
Reason: Overwhelmed

Future Actions: Five of Cups, Three of Cups, Ace of Cups.
Reason: Neglected

Oracle Card: Palm Tree

My interpretation:

The person on your mind is currently in a chaotic mental state, and their intentions are clouded by instability, although they are trying to find clarity. The cards drawn for their intentions are The Chariot (reversed), the King of Wands (reversed), and the King of Pentacles. Both The Chariot and the King of Wands in reverse indicate a lack of direction. This person is overwhelmed, confused, and uncertain about what to do or how to move forward. Their mind is in turmoil, and they may be distracted or influenced by their own ego. However, the King of Pentacles in the upright position suggests that they do have moments of clarity and a desire to be successful and responsible. They want to choose the right approach with you, but at this time, their overall intentions are unclear as they battle this severe lack of direction. The oracle card drawn for what is driving their intentions is “Overwhelmed,” which confirms the reading, stating, “The stress from this is draining me.” Right now, they genuinely do not know what they want.

Most Likely Actions
Although they may be unsure of their desires or direction, Spirit indicates that this person is likely to attempt reconciliation if you are apart, or make amends if you are together. This is supported by the Five of Cups, the Three of Cups, and the Ace of Cups. Notice all the cups—this person is about to emotionally open up to you. The Five of Cups suggests that they will express their regret and sorrow over any challenges you’re facing. The Three of Cups speaks to reunions and celebrations—this is a card of joyful togetherness, possibly indicating a date night. If you are separated, this card signifies happy reunions. The Ace of Cups represents enduring love, showing that no matter what has happened between you, this person loves you and will express it. The oracle card clarifying their intentions is “Neglected,” which reads, “I failed to give you what you need.” This realization is likely contributing to their stress. They were uncertain because they didn’t know how to meet your needs. However, Spirit suggests they will make an effort. This person loves you and wants to try their best to give you the attention you need and deserve.

Oracle Card:
The oracle card drawn is “Palm Tree,” which reads, “Stability, security, permanence, growth, endurance, flexibility.” Spirit is reassuring you that this connection is solid. Despite any challenges or distance—whether physical or emotional—your connection with this person is incredibly strong and enduring.

Decks Used:

The Spheres of Heaven Tarot by Sefirot, Messages of Love Oracle Deck by Sishui, Love Oracle Deck by Island Time Wellness.

Disclaimer: This is a collective read. This might not be reflective of your unique situation. If it doesn’t resonate, please do ignore this read. Also, very often roles can be reversed.

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