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Cancer Past and Present Love – Deceit and Choice

Aug 5, 2024 | Cancer

Remember: Even if this post was from a while ago, you are seeing this because you were meant to see this. Time is fluid. If you’re here, this message was meant for you.

Today I pulled for the collective Cancer sign to ask about the past and present romantic connections, the ones on their minds.

The question asked of the Universe and Guides was: Please provide a Runes Oracle message for the past and present person in romantic connections on the mind of the Cancer, as well as a message from their souls to the Cancer. Clarify these messages through the Tarot deck.

Cards pulled:

Past Person
Rune Oracle Card: Teiwaz
The Hidden Truth Card: I regret lying to you.
Tarot: Nine of Pentacles, Eight of Pentacles (reversed), Two of Cups. Overall Energy: Three of Pentacles.

Current Person
Rune Oracle Card: Jera
The Hidden Truth Card: I knew exactly what I was doing.
Tarot: Three of Wands (reversed), Nine of Cups (reversed), Ace of Cups. Overall Energy: King of Swords.

My interpretation:

Past Person
The Rune Oracle card received for the past person is Teiwaz, which reads, “Honor, justice, leadership and authority, analysis, rationality, knowing where one’s true strengths lie, willing to self-sacrifice.” Their soul message to you is, “I regret lying to you.” This suggests that the person from your past holds a position of power, possibly an executive role, and is well-respected by many. It seems that they lied to you about the circumstances of your separation, possibly involving another person.

This is clarified by the Nine of Pentacles, the Eight of Pentacles reversed, and the Two of Cups, with the overall energy of the Three of Pentacles. The Three of Pentacles represents collaboration and working together, indicating that this past person might have left you for someone they met at their workplace. The Nine of Pentacles shows that this person is financially stable and takes pride in their work. However, the Eight of Pentacles reversed suggests they neglected their work to pursue this other person, as indicated by the Two of Cups. This may be difficult to hear, dear Cancer, but it appears that your past person is now with someone else and their main regret is lying to you about it.

Current Person
The Rune Oracle card for the current person on your mind is Jera, which reads, “The results of earlier efforts are realized. A time of peace and happiness, fruitful season, it can break through stagnancy, hopes and expectations of peace and prosperity.” Your person’s message to you is, “I knew exactly what I was doing.” This indicates that this person sees you as an integral part of their future and chose you deliberately, believing you will bring them prosperity and happiness.

This is further clarified by the Three of Wands reversed, the Nine of Cups reversed, the Ace of Cups, and the overall energy of the King of Swords. The King of Swords suggests that your person used clear thinking and sound judgment to end a previous relationship. The Three of Wands reversed indicates that they saw no future with their past partner, and the Nine of Cups reversed shows that they felt unfulfilled and that their dreams were unattainable with this person. These two reversed cards contrast with the Rune Oracle card, which represents abundance and prosperity, signifying what they now hope to achieve with you. The Ace of Cups represents a new beginning and divine love, suggesting that they see you as the missing piece in their life. When they say they knew what they were doing, it likely refers to their decision to leave someone else for you, believing it was the right choice for their future.

Decks Used:

Runes Oracle by Ibiza, The Hidden Truth Oracle by All Things Intuitive, The Kinner Tarot Deck by RJ Kinner.

Disclaimer: This is a collective read. This might not be reflective of your unique situation. If it doesn’t resonate, please do ignore this read. Also, very often roles can be reversed.

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