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Cancer Relationship Healing – Ground Yourself and Set Boundaries

Jul 22, 2024 | Cancer

Remember: Even if this post was from a while ago, you are seeing this because you were meant to see this. Time is fluid. If you’re here, this message was meant for you.

Today I pulled for the collective Cancer sign to ask for messages and guidance on healing or improving a romantic connection.

The question asked of the Universe and Guides was: For the collective sign of Cancer (Sun, Moon, and Rising), how can they heal or improve a romantic connection? What guidance do you have for them?

Cards pulled:

Angel Oracle: Fairies clarified by The Hanged Man, Five of Pentacles, and The Tower.
Spirit Animal: Panda – Boundaries clarified by the Three of Swords, King of Wands (reversed), and the Hierophant.

My interpretation:

Your first angel message is “Fairies,” which reads, “You have a strong bond with the fairies, and your life purpose involves helping Mother Nature.” This card encourages you to immerse yourself in the healing properties of nature. Reflecting on how this message relates to the entire spread, it seems your angels are guiding you towards inner healing by connecting with the Earth, abundant in its restorative energy. This card is clarified by The Hanged Man, the Five of Pentacles, and The Tower. Dear Cancer, it appears that some of you are navigating through a very challenging period, feeling abandoned and perceiving that your relationship has been destroyed. During this time, it is crucial to focus on yourself, and one of the best ways to do this is by spending more time in nature. Over time, this connection with the Earth will provide you with a different perspective on your situation.

The next card you receive is “Panda – Boundaries,” which reads, “Your space is sacred, guests who overstay their welcome impact your aura, and you have every right to stand your ground. Your needs are important; you must nurture your soul with the same gentle love and support you offer to others.” It seems that the person on your mind has hurt you because you did not set clear boundaries. This card is clarified by the Three of Swords, the King of Wands in reverse, and the Hierophant. You are experiencing deep emotional pain, and it stems from this King of Wands in reverse, someone who treated you poorly and caused significant hurt. Spirit is urging you to set boundaries going forward. You are someone who seeks commitment and values being treated with respect, perhaps in a traditional way. Establish these boundaries and accept nothing less. Because you allowed this person to overstep your boundaries, they were able to wound you emotionally.

Rather than focusing on healing the relationship, Spirit is asking you to concentrate on healing yourself. Your heart is broken, and you are feeling profound pain. The angels are guiding you towards healing, and right now, that means spending more time in nature to benefit from the Earth’s healing properties and committing to setting your own personal boundaries. Do not settle for anything less than what you deserve moving forward. Do not allow anyone to cross those boundaries, even by the smallest measure.

Decks Used:

In2itarot by Kimberley Aria, Angel Therapy Oracle Deck by Doreen Virtue, and Spirit Animal Oracle Deck by Iksya.

Disclaimer: This is a collective read. This might not be reflective of your unique situation. If it doesn’t resonate, please do ignore this read. Also, very often roles can be reversed.

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