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Capricorn Missing His/Her Gemini, Libra, or Aquarius – Tarot Pull

May 9, 2024 | Aquarius, Capricorn, Gemini, Libra

Remember: Even if this post was from a while ago, you are seeing this because you were meant to see this. Time is fluid. If you’re here, this message was meant for you.

Today I pulled for a Capricorn who misses his or her Air Sign love: a Gemini, Libra, or Aquarius

The question asked of the Universe and Guides was: How do a Gemini, Libra, and Aquarius feel about the Capricorn who is missing them so much and who is always on their mind?

Cards pulled:

Tarot: The Queen of Pentacles (reversed), the Three of Wands (reversed), and the Seven of Wands.
Love Message from Your Person: I feel so guilty about my action and what I said to you.
Angel Oracle Message: Pay Attention to the Read Flags – the signs are cautioning you.

My interpretation:

The reading suggests that your person is currently harboring some intense negative emotions toward you, with jealousy and possessiveness at the core of these feelings, which contributed to your separation. It remains unclear who among you displayed these controlling behaviors, as represented by the Queen of Pentacles in reverse—either you are seen this way by your partner, or they embody these qualities themselves.

The Three of Wands in reverse shows that your person feels a sense of defeat, believing that their efforts in the relationship have not led to the outcomes they hoped for. They perceive their investments as fruitless, feeling that the growth and progress they desired never materialized.

This sentiment is intensified by the Seven of Wands, which points to significant challenges within the relationship that were probably left unaddressed. This card also suggests that conflicts may have been exacerbated by external influences, such as friends or family, potentially stirring more discord.

The message from your person’s spirit card conveys a tone of guilt, indicating that harsh words or actions may have been exchanged in moments of jealousy, whether they came from you or them. Your angels’ card urges you to acknowledge these issues. It highlights the importance of not overlooking the problems within your relationship, suggesting that they demand attention and resolution.

Decks Used:

Gold Foil Tarot by Kiino, The Romance Angels Oracle Cards by Doreen Virtue, Love Messages for No Communication by Sishui

Disclaimer: This is a collective read. This might not be reflective of your unique situation. If it doesn’t resonate, please do ignore this read. Also, very often roles can be reversed.

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