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Capricorn Past and Present Love – False Facades and Strategic Planning

Aug 8, 2024 | Capricorn

Remember: Even if this post was from a while ago, you are seeing this because you were meant to see this. Time is fluid. If you’re here, this message was meant for you.

Today I pulled for the collective Capricorn sign to ask about the past and present romantic connections, the ones on their minds.

The question asked of the Universe and Guides was: Please provide a Runes Oracle message for the past and present person in romantic connections on the mind of the Capricorn, as well as a message from their souls to the Capricorn. Clarify these messages through the Tarot deck.

Cards pulled:

Past Person
Rune Oracle Card: Mannaz
The Hidden Truth Card: My life is not as together as it seems.
Tarot: Page of Pentacles (reversed), Nine of Wands (reversed), King of Cups (reversed). Overall Energy: The Moon.

Current Person
Rune Oracle Card: Ehwaz
The Hidden Truth Card: I’m so attracted to you.
Tarot: Four of Swords, The Sun, Nine of Swords. Overall Energy: Seven of Swords.

My interpretation:

Past Person
The Rune Oracle card drawn for the past person is “Mannaz,” which represents “The self, the individual or the human race, your attitude toward others and their attitudes towards you, friends and enemies, social order.” The message from their soul to you is, “My life is not as together as it seems.” Despite the outward appearance of living a dream life or displaying happiness, this person is actually experiencing deep discontent with their current situation. They may feel at odds with those around them or struggle with a negative self-image. If this person is in a relationship, it is clear they are not happy.

The tarot cards clarifying this reading are the Page of Pentacles in reverse, the Nine of Wands in reverse, and the King of Cups in reverse, with the overall energy of The Moon. The Moon card is a powerful symbol of the subconscious, representing the need to look inward and confront fears and uncertainties. It also speaks of hidden truths and deep emotions that have yet to be fully explored. The three tarot cards—each in reverse—carry a particularly negative connotation in this context.

The Page of Pentacles in reverse suggests instability and a lack of commitment, indicating that this person doesn’t see a future in their current situation. The Nine of Wands in reverse reflects a person on the verge of giving up, feeling overwhelmed by setbacks and unable to find a way forward. The King of Cups in reverse symbolizes someone who is withdrawing emotionally, possibly pulling away from a relationship that no longer brings them happiness. If this person is in another relationship, it is clear that they are not content and are likely letting it go. They may try to present the illusion of a happy and fulfilling relationship, but the reality is quite different.

Current Person
The Rune Oracle card for the current person on your mind is “Ehwaz,” which represents “Transportation, may represent a horse, car, plane, boat, or other vehicle, movement and change for the better.” Their message to you from the soul is, “I’m so attracted to you.” If this is someone you’ve been casually talking to, it seems that they are about to take significant steps to move closer to you. There may be some physical or emotional distance between you, but this person feels a strong pull towards you, like a magnet. They are determined to bridge whatever gap exists and will do whatever it takes to get closer to you.

The clarifying tarot cards are the Four of Swords, The Sun, and the Nine of Swords, with the overall energy of the Seven of Swords. The Seven of Swords is often associated with deception and secrecy, but in this context, it represents strategic planning and careful consideration. For some, this may involve a person who is already in a relationship and is trying to find a way to approach you discreetly. However, for most, this card suggests that the person is carefully plotting their next steps with you in mind.

The Four of Swords echoes this theme of strategic planning and deep contemplation, indicating that this person is spending a lot of time thinking about how to proceed with you. The Sun card, which is the most positive card in the tarot, shows that when they think of you, their spirits are lifted, and they feel a great deal of happiness. You bring light and joy into their life. However, the Nine of Swords reveals that they are also experiencing anxiety and stress, likely staying up at night worrying about how to make things work with you. There may be doubts or fears that are weighing heavily on their mind, so it might be helpful to encourage them to open up about what’s troubling them.

Decks Used:

Runes Oracle by Ibiza, The Hidden Truth Oracle by All Things Intuitive, The Kinner Tarot Deck by RJ Kinner.

Disclaimer: This is a collective read. This might not be reflective of your unique situation. If it doesn’t resonate, please do ignore this read. Also, very often roles can be reversed.

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