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Capricorn – Your Person’s Intentions (Suffering) and Actions (Weak Attempt)

Sep 12, 2024 | Capricorn

Remember: Even if this post was from a while ago, you are seeing this because you were meant to see this. Time is fluid. If you’re here, this message was meant for you.

Today I pulled for the collective Capricorn sign about the intentions and future actions of the person on their mind in a romantic connection.

The question asked of the Universe and Guides was: “What are the intentions of the person on Capricorn’s mind and what are their most likely future actions toward Capricorn? Clarify each with a reason and provide an overall message to describe the connection.”

Cards pulled:

Intentions: Queen of Wands (reversed), Six of Cups (reversed), The Lovers.
Reason: Overwhelmed

Future Actions: King of Cups (reversed), Four of Cups (reversed), The Chariot (reversed).
Reason: Third Party

Oracle Card: Heart with a Key

My interpretation:

The person on your mind loves you deeply, but they are trapped in their thoughts, unable to move forward. This is reflected in the tarot cards: the Queen of Wands reversed, the Six of Cups reversed, and The Lovers. While their love for you is clear, they are uncertain about how to act on it. The Queen of Wands reversed represents someone struggling with low self-esteem and deep insecurities. There is a heavy burden weighing on them, perhaps tied to feelings of inadequacy or lingering guilt from past mistakes—indicated by the reversed Six of Cups. This card points to unresolved past trauma, with the person reliving old wounds that are preventing them from fully embracing the present connection. Despite this, The Lovers card shows their strong love for you and the desire to choose you. Their intentions, however, remain clouded because they are mentally overwhelmed. They know what they want—you—but they don’t know how to take the next step. The oracle card “Overwhelmed” confirms this, saying, “The stress from this is draining me.” It appears they are mentally stuck, deeply in love, yet unsure how to progress.

Most Likely Actions
Your person is likely to try reconnecting with you, but it won’t be easy for them. This is revealed in the tarot cards drawn: the King of Cups reversed, the Four of Cups reversed, and The Chariot reversed. With so many reversals, it’s clear there’s inner turmoil. The King of Cups reversed represents someone overwhelmed by their emotions, perhaps seeming distant or detached, but inside they are wrestling with a storm of feelings. Nonetheless, the Four of Cups reversed suggests they will attempt to reengage, showing they care, even if they struggle to express it. Be cautious, as they may come off as aloof or unsure. Know that beneath it all, they are filled with insecurity but genuinely care about you. The Chariot reversed suggests that while they will make an effort to move things forward, their approach will be aimless, without a clear plan. Their lack of confidence may result in half-hearted attempts, stemming from their own doubts about their ability to make things work. The oracle card “Third Party” sheds light on the underlying issue, stating, “There were other things that got in the way of us being together.” This third party could be an affair, a personal priority, or outside interference from friends or family, adding to their emotional distress.

Oracle Card:
The final oracle card from Spirit is “Heart with a Key,” which reads, “Welcoming love, meeting the one, open your heart, getting together, perfect.” Spirit is guiding you to consider giving this person another chance. Even if they’ve hurt you in the past, opening your heart to them might help heal the emotional wounds and guide them back to a healthier state. Everyone makes mistakes, and by offering them compassion and understanding, you might just help them find the strength to overcome their inner turmoil.

Decks Used:

The Spheres of Heaven Tarot by Sefirot, Messages of Love Oracle Deck by Sishui, Love Oracle Deck by Island Time Wellness.

Disclaimer: This is a collective read. This might not be reflective of your unique situation. If it doesn’t resonate, please do ignore this read. Also, very often roles can be reversed.

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