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Committed Cancer – You Must Trust Yourself

May 20, 2024 | Cancer

Remember: Even if this post was from a while ago, you are seeing this because you were meant to see this. Time is fluid. If you’re here, this message was meant for you.

Today I pulled for the collective Cancer sign who are in committed romantic relationships.

The question asked of the Universe and Guides was: What are the messages for the collective sign of Cancer who are in committed romantic relationships? What do they need to know about those relationships?

Cards pulled:

Tarot: Four of Cups, Two of Cups, Seven of Swords, Page of Wands, Six of Swords, Nine of Swords.
Wisdom Card: The Moon.

My interpretation:

Dear Cancer, it appears that many of you are in a difficult relationship, and things are quite rocky at the moment. The Universe wants you to trust your gut instinct about this situation. Sometimes, it can be hard to do because letting go is difficult. However, if you know in your heart that this relationship isn’t right for you, it might be time to consider moving on.

In the top row, we see the Two of Cups, indicating that you feel this person is your soulmate. You love them deeply, but they keep breaking your heart. The Four of Cups suggests that no matter how much love and attention you give to this person, they remain unsatisfied and disinterested. You are not receiving the emotional investment you deserve in return. With the Seven of Swords, the situation worsens, suggesting that your partner may have betrayed you in significant ways.

The Page of Wands indicates that your partner may be someone who jumps from person to person, lacking control and possibly having issues with infidelity. The Six of Swords shows that you are contemplating leaving the situation altogether to escape the pain. This card depicts someone leaving with a heavy heart, seeking relief from their struggles.

At the base of your spread is the Nine of Swords, representing someone filled with anxiety and fear. If this resonates with you, my heart goes out to you. It is never easy to consider leaving a committed relationship, and the heartbreak can be unbearable. Trust in yourself and your instincts as you navigate this challenging time.

Wisdom of the House of Night Oracle Card: The Moon – “This is a sign that you must trust your gut, your instincts and intuition will lead the way through the darkness.

The Universe is urging you to trust yourself. You already know what needs to be done, and even though it might feel impossible and incredibly difficult, you need to have faith in your own judgment. In the long run, it may turn out to be the best decision you ever make.

Decks Used:

Gold Foil Tarot by Kiino, Wisdom of the House of Night by P.C. Cast & Colette Baron-Reid

Disclaimer: This is a collective read. This might not be reflective of your unique situation. If it doesn’t resonate, please do ignore this read. Also, very often roles can be reversed.

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