Today I pulled for the collective Scorpio sign who are in committed romantic relationships.
The question asked of the Universe and Guides was: What are the messages for the collective sign of Scorpio who are in committed romantic relationships? What do they need to know about those relationships?
Cards pulled:
Tarot: Five of Cups, Page of Pentacles, Eight of Pentacles, The Star, King of Pentacles, The Hanged Man.
Wisdom Card: Choices (Kalona).
My interpretation:
It looks as though you and your partner recently experienced some financial setbacks. This is a common occurrence and sometimes, it’s simply beyond anyone’s control. However, the Universe wants you to know that these challenges will bring you valuable knowledge and insight.
It appears that you and your partner embarked on a financial endeavor, as indicated by the Page of Pentacles. This was a creative and inspired project that you both committed to with great enthusiasm. The Eight of Pentacles shows the immense effort and hard work you poured into this venture. Despite your dedication, the Five of Cups reveals that things did not go as planned, resulting in significant disappointment and possibly substantial financial loss.
However, there is hope, as signified by The Star card. The Star follows the Tower in the tarot deck, representing hope and renewal after a disaster. With this renewed hope, you are looking toward the future, aspiring to embody the energy of the King of Pentacles—someone who is financially wise and secure. The experiences you’ve gone through have imparted many valuable lessons.
The base card in the spread is The Hanged Man, suggesting that you might have had to let go of something that was important to you. But this card also signifies a shift in perspective. Now, you and your partner are seeing things in a new light, and new ideas may be taking form as a result.
Wisdom of the House of Night Oracle Card: Choices (Kalona) – “Every choice you make has a consequence; even your thoughts are like magnets, drawing experiences to you for the good or for the bad.”
Your guides are urging you to carefully consider the choices you make. The difficulties you are experiencing now stem from past decisions. Moving forward, you now possess the insight needed to make wiser decisions.
Decks Used:
Gold Foil Tarot by Kiino, Wisdom of the House of Night by P.C. Cast & Colette Baron-Reid