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For Aries Wanting Reconciliation – Initiative and Conflict Resolution

Aug 26, 2024 | Aries

Remember: Even if this post was from a while ago, you are seeing this because you were meant to see this. Time is fluid. If you’re here, this message was meant for you.

Today I pulled for the collective Aries sign who are looking to reconcile with someone in a romantic partnership.

The question asked of the Universe and Guides was: “What does Aries need to know in order to reconcile with their beloved? What advice do you have?” I pulled two oracles cards and clarified each with tarot.

Cards pulled:

Oracle Card 1: Timing
Tarot: Two of Pentacles (reversed), Seven of Pentacles, Ace of Pentacles (reversed).

Oracle Card 2: The Fledgling
Tarot: Five of Swords, The Hanged Man (reversed), Eight of Cups.

My interpretation:

Your angels are reminding you that timing is crucial with this card, which suggests, “It’s all in the timing right now. Pull another card to determine whether you should act now, wait, or consider a different approach.” Instead of pulling another card, I sought further insight through tarot, drawing the Two of Pentacles reversed, the Seven of Pentacles, and the Ace of Pentacles reversed. It’s interesting to note that both the reversed Two and Ace of Pentacles convey a similar message of missed opportunities and obstacles. It appears there have already been moments for you and your loved one to reconnect and reconcile, but these opportunities were overlooked. Perhaps fear or uncertainty held you back from taking initiative. The Seven of Pentacles encourages you to reflect on what has worked in your relationship before. Use these insights to your advantage, nurturing and fostering forward movement with your loved one. It feels like the responsibility may rest on you to make this happen. I also feel that this card is telling you to fear not – even if things are not happening now, you will see progress in the near future.

The Fledgling
The Fledgling card’s message, as outlined in the guidebook, states: “Dear One, when you receive the symbol of the Fledgling, know that you are blessed with a time of learning new things.” Your angels are indicating that there are lessons to learn that can aid in a potential reconciliation. The specific lessons you need to learn are highlighted by the Five of Swords, The Hanged Man reversed, and the Eight of Cups. It’s clear that mastering conflict resolution with your partner is essential. The Five of Swords points to a mindset focused on winning at all costs, which often leads to self-sabotage. Instead of seeking solutions, this card represents someone intent on winning arguments merely for the sake of victory. The reversed Hanged Man suggests resistance to change and an unwillingness to see things from another’s perspective. You are being encouraged to learn how to handle conflicts in a way that heals rather than divides. Additionally, you’re asked to try seeing things from your partner’s point of view. The Eight of Cups speaks of leaving the past behind, suggesting that moving forward will require you to let go of past disagreements. To truly progress, you’ll need to start fresh, forgiving and forgetting old conflicts.

Decks Used:

Van Gogh Tarot, Career & Life Oracle Deck by Cosmic – Lights, Wisdom of the House of Night Oracle Cards by P.C. Cast and Colette Baron-Reid.

Disclaimer: This is a collective read. This might not be reflective of your unique situation. If it doesn’t resonate, please do ignore this read. Also, very often roles can be reversed.

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