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For Cancer Wanting Reconciliation – Avoid this Person and See the Truth

Aug 26, 2024 | Cancer

Remember: Even if this post was from a while ago, you are seeing this because you were meant to see this. Time is fluid. If you’re here, this message was meant for you.

Today I pulled for the collective Cancer sign who are looking to reconcile with someone in a romantic partnership.

The question asked of the Universe and Guides was: “What does Cancer need to know in order to reconcile with their beloved? What advice do you have?” I pulled two oracles cards and clarified each with tarot.

Cards pulled:

Oracle Card 1: Protection
Tarot: Knight of Pentacles (reversed), Nine of Pentacles (reversed), Six of Cups.

Oracle Card 2: High Priestess of Air
Tarot: Five of Swords, The Devil, The Empress (reversed).

My interpretation:

Regarding reconciliation, the card of “Protection” has appeared, with a message that states, “You are being protected from deceit and from situations that no longer serve you. Lie low for a while, and you will be shown the truth.” The angels are urging you not to seek reconciliation with this person at this time; they are shielding you from further involvement in a situation that is not in your best interest. The reasons for this protection are revealed through the Knight of Pentacles in reverse, the Nine of Pentacles in reverse, and the Six of Cups. The Knight of Pentacles reversed represents someone who is unreliable, uncommitted, and disloyal. The Nine of Pentacles reversed points to feelings of loneliness and neglect, suggesting that this person may have been emotionally neglectful and not fully invested in the relationship. The Six of Cups indicates that you might still be drawn to the idea of reconciliation due to the shared history and fond memories you have with this person. However, the angels are cautioning you that while the past may have been good, this person is no longer beneficial for you, and they are actively trying to keep you apart for your own well-being.

High Priestess of Air
The “High Priestess of Air” card states, “You have drawn the symbol of the Vampyre High Priestess of Air, the Goddess of Rational Thought.” The angels are encouraging you to rely on logic and reason rather than letting your emotions guide your decisions. They are advising you to ground your choices in reality instead of following your heart. This guidance is clarified by the Five of Swords, The Devil, and The Empress in reverse. The Five of Swords symbolizes conflict and betrayal, highlighting a relationship where your perspective may never be understood or respected, and where you could find yourself being taken advantage of when you are vulnerable. The Devil card represents an unhealthy and toxic relationship, marked by elements of addiction or obsession. The Empress in reverse signifies severe neglect, reinforcing the emotional abandonment previously mentioned. Dear Cancer, the angels are urging you to avoid reconciling with this person, as they do not wish this for you. Trust their guidance, which is based on truth, and focus on the reality of the situation rather than your emotions. In time, this will become easier.

Decks Used:

Van Gogh Tarot, Career & Life Oracle Deck by Cosmic – Lights, Wisdom of the House of Night Oracle Cards by P.C. Cast and Colette Baron-Reid.

Disclaimer: This is a collective read. This might not be reflective of your unique situation. If it doesn’t resonate, please do ignore this read. Also, very often roles can be reversed.

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