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For Libra Wanting Reconciliation – You Are Transforming – Greatness Ahead

Aug 27, 2024 | Libra

Remember: Even if this post was from a while ago, you are seeing this because you were meant to see this. Time is fluid. If you’re here, this message was meant for you.

Today I pulled for the collective Libra sign who are looking to reconcile with someone in a romantic partnership.

The question asked of the Universe and Guides was: “What does Libra need to know in order to reconcile with their beloved? What advice do you have?” I pulled two oracles cards and clarified each with tarot.

Cards pulled:

Oracle Card 1: Education
Tarot: The High Priestess, Death, Page of Wands (reversed).

Oracle Card 2: High Priestess of Fire
Tarot: The Star (reversed), The Hierophant (reversed), Page of Swords paired with The Emporer.

My interpretation:

The first oracle card drawn for reconciliation is “Education,” which advises, “You may need to take a class, conduct research to find a better position, or you might find yourself writing a book or teaching others.” Rather than guiding you toward reconciliation, Spirit seems to be showing that this separation is part of your transformation. The clarifying tarot cards—The High Priestess, Death, and the Page of Pentacles reversed—shed further light on this message. The High Priestess represents inner wisdom, spirituality, and knowledge, which aligns perfectly with the “Education” card, suggesting that the knowledge you gained from this breakup is specific and profound. The Death card reinforces this idea, symbolizing transformative endings. It suggests that you now possess insights and wisdom that you are meant to share with others. The Page of Pentacles reversed reflects uncertainty and self-doubt, but Spirit encourages you not to fear. Trust in yourself, as time will bring greater clarity and understanding. The High Priestess often guards her secrets, so while you may share this wisdom with others, it’s important to keep it private when it comes to your former partner.

The High Priestess of Fire
The second oracle card is “The High Priestess of Fire,” which carries a powerful message: “My child, you have chosen the symbol of the Vampyre High Priestess of Fire, the Goddess of creativity and passion.” How fitting this is, Libra—it aligns beautifully with the first reading. It appears that this breakup occurred for a reason, serving as a catalyst for significant change. The pain you experienced has ignited a new passion within you, perhaps leading to a creative project or endeavor. This is further clarified by The Star reversed, The Hierophant reversed, and the Page of Swords paired with The Emperor. The Star reversed indicates a loss of hope and a sense of stagnation, suggesting that while you were in the relationship, you felt stuck and unfulfilled. The Hierophant reversed speaks to a departure from traditional norms, especially in spiritual matters, implying that this breakup may have triggered a spiritual awakening or shift. This shift could have led you to explore new knowledge or beliefs. The Page of Swords and The Emperor together suggest that your studies and research are positioning you to become an authority in your field. Libra, this challenging experience has set you on a path to discovering a new passion and potentially fulfilling your soul’s purpose.

Decks Used:

Van Gogh Tarot, Career & Life Oracle Deck by Cosmic – Lights, Wisdom of the House of Night Oracle Cards by P.C. Cast and Colette Baron-Reid.

Disclaimer: This is a collective read. This might not be reflective of your unique situation. If it doesn’t resonate, please do ignore this read. Also, very often roles can be reversed.

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