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Leo Missing His/Her Aries, Leo, or Sagittarius – Tarot Pull

May 2, 2024 | Aries, Leo, Sagittarius

Remember: Even if this post was from a while ago, you are seeing this because you were meant to see this. Time is fluid. If you’re here, this message was meant for you.

Today I pulled for a Leo who misses his or her Fire Sign love: an Aries, Leo, or Sagittarius.

The question asked of the Universe and Guides was: How do an Aries, Leo, and Sagittarius feel about the Leo who is missing them so much and who is always on their mind?

Cards pulled:

Tarot: The Fool (reversed), the Knight of Pentacles (reversed), and the Wheel of Fortune paired with the Seven of Pentacles.
Love Message from Your Person: I hope our paths will cross again in the future.
Angel Oracle Message: Codependency – your addictions are affecting your romantic life.

My interpretation:

It seems that your partner is currently feeling disconnected from the relationship. They bear no resentment or negativity towards you; it’s more about a personal reassessment of their needs and feelings, with a hint of mutual responsibility for the current state of affairs. The reversed Fool suggests that the initial excitement and joy in your relationship have given way to caution and hesitancy. There’s a sense that things are not quite right between you both.

Additionally, the reversed Knight of Pentacles indicates that your relationship has shifted down their list of priorities. Your partner is currently more focused on their career and personal space, finding it difficult to invest further energy into nurturing the relationship.

However, the combination of the Wheel of Fortune and the Seven of Pentacles introduces a note of optimism. Despite their current feelings of frustration from the perceived imbalance of effort and reward, they acknowledge that relationships naturally experience fluctuations. They are close to feeling overwhelmed and considering ending things, yet they also recognize that circumstances can change.

The cards suggest that your partner may be stepping back for now, but there remains a sliver of hope for a future reconnection. Additionally, the guidance from your spiritual guides hints at underlying issues of codependency, possibly linked to addictive behaviors or an unhealthy reliance within the relationship, which may have contributed to the current situation.

Decks Used:

Gold Foil Tarot by Kiino, The Romance Angels Oracle Cards by Doreen Virtue, Love Messages for No Communication by Sishui

Disclaimer: This is a collective read. This might not be reflective of your unique situation. If it doesn’t resonate, please do ignore this read. Also, very often roles can be reversed.

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