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Libra Versus the Elements – What Are Their Intentions Toward You?

Jul 30, 2024 | Libra

Remember: Even if this post was from a while ago, you are seeing this because you were meant to see this. Time is fluid. If you’re here, this message was meant for you.

Today I pulled for the collective Libra sign to ask about the intention of the person on their mind, broken down by the signs of the elements.

The question asked of the Universe and Guides was: What are the intentions of each of the four elemental groups of astrological signs, as collectives and as the person on the mind of the Libra, toward the Libra in romantic connections?

Cards pulled:

Fire (Aries, Leo, Sagittarius): Five of Swords, Three of Wands, The Fool.
Earth (Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn: Eight of Swords, Two of Wands, Four of Wands.
Air (Gemini, Libra, Aquarius): Ace of Cups (reversed), Temperance, Six of Swords.
Water (Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces): Four of Swords (reversed), The Chariot, Death.

My interpretation:

Fire Signs: Aries, Leo, and Sagittarius: If the person on your mind belongs to this group, it’s important to understand that they are focusing more on the positive aspects of your relationship and the future rather than dwelling on past conflicts and negative experiences. The Five of Swords suggests that there have been significant disagreements and conflicts in the past, where neither of you was willing to back down. These past issues have weighed heavily on their mind, but their current state is represented by The Fool card. This indicates a willingness to take a fresh leap of faith with you, to embark on a new journey together, leaving behind the problems of the past. The Three of Wands shows that this person is looking confidently towards the future, envisioning a future with you in it. Their intention is to strengthen your relationship and build a positive future together, focusing on growth and mutual development.

Earth Signs: Taurus, Virgo, and Capricorn: If the person on your mind belongs to this group, there may have been issues with commitment in the recent past. The Eight of Swords indicates that this person felt trapped in a psychological prison of their own making, likely due to fears and anxieties about commitment. The Four of Wands, often associated with marriage and long-term commitment, suggests that discussions about the future may have caused them to feel uneasy. However, the Two of Wands in the center indicates a shift in their perspective. They are now looking towards the future with a bit more excitement and openness. This person is beginning to see a future with you and is slowly coming around to the idea of a serious commitment. Their intentions are to plan and grow with you, and as the relationship progresses, so will their thoughts and opinions about long-term commitment.

Air Signs: Gemini, Libra, and Aquarius: If the person on your mind belongs to this group, they are currently in a significant healing phase. The Ace of Cups in reverse and the Six of Swords both represent healing. The Ace of Cups in reverse speaks of an emotional disconnect and a need for inner healing, while the Six of Swords indicates a journey towards healing by focusing on oneself and doing what is best for personal well-being. Temperance in the middle of the spread suggests that they are seeking balance and peace. At this moment, they have no active intentions towards you as they are deeply engaged in their own healing process. They are working on finding inner peace and balance, and their current focus is entirely on their personal healing journey.

Water Signs: Cancer, Scorpio, and Pisces: If the person on your mind belongs to this group, they are feeling a strong need to take immediate action. The Four of Swords in reverse indicates that they are extremely restless and unable to calm down. Their thoughts are scattered, and they are finding it difficult to stay still. This sense of urgency is further emphasized by The Chariot, a card that represents movement and taking control. They want to steer your relationship in a direction that benefits both of you, driven by ambition and a desire for success. The Death card suggests that they are seeking a significant transformation within the relationship. Their intentions are to take decisive action now to create a newly transformed and beneficial bond with you. They are determined to bring about positive change and to achieve a successful and fulfilling connection.

Decks Used:

Barbieri Zodiac Oracle by Barbara Moore and Paola Barbieri, Tattoo Tarot: Ink & Intuition by Megamunden & Diana McMahon Collis.

Disclaimer: This is a collective read. This might not be reflective of your unique situation. If it doesn’t resonate, please do ignore this read. Also, very often roles can be reversed.

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