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Pisces Messages on a Breakup – You Can Be the Change

Jul 17, 2024 | Pisces

Remember: Even if this post was from a while ago, you are seeing this because you were meant to see this. Time is fluid. If you’re here, this message was meant for you.

Today I pulled for the collective Pisces sign to ask for messages and guidance regarding a romantic breakup or separation.

The question asked of the Universe and Guides was: For the collective sign of Pisces (Sun, Moon, and Rising), what message and guidance can you provide for Pisces regarding a breakup or separation from a romantic connection they are experiencing?

Cards pulled:

Moonology: Bring love into the situation clarified by Judgement, Page of Pentacles, and Temperance.
Healing Oracle: Faith clarified by Three of Wands (reversed), Five of Swords, and The World.
Tarot: The Star (reversed) clarified by The Hermit, The Magician, and The Devil.

My interpretation:

The Moonology card received was “Bring love into the situation,” and this is paired with the central clarifier of the Page of Pentacles. The Universe is asking you to infuse the situation between you and your ex with a bit of love. Plant that seed. With whatever has transpired between you, provide a bit of hope and let this person know that you still have love for them (if that is the case) because things can and will sprout from that seed – it just needs to be planted. This is further clarified by Judgment and Temperance, and I believe the Universe is telling you to show forgiveness and mercy and temper any volatile emotions you may be feeling. Especially if you want to reconcile.

The Healing Energy Oracle card received was “Faith – I am confident I will achieve my goals. I live in the present and have faith in the future. I firmly believe in my value within the Universe.” This card is paired with the central clarifier of the Five of Swords. This is a card of conflict and a desire to win at all costs – an unwillingness to compromise. The Universe is telling you to have faith that the conflict that led to your separation can and will be resolved. With the Three of Wands in reverse and The World card, you seem to have given up, expecting the full and complete ending to this relationship. You are receiving a gentle nudge to have faith – all is not lost. Put the swords down and add a little love to the situation – and watch it turn around.

Finally, you have received The Star in reverse, and this is paired with The Magician. Right now, you feel a sense of utter hopelessness, but the Universe is reminding you that you are capable of turning this situation around. As The Magician, you have all of the tools you need. This is further clarified by The Hermit and The Devil. With some soul searching and looking within, you will be able to identify the problems within your relationship and come up with solutions. You can achieve any outcome you desire – but you absolutely need to have faith and hope. It is a requirement.

Decks Used:

The Harmony Tarot Deck by Christopher Lee, Moonology Oracle Cards by Yasmin Boland, Healing Energy Oracle by Mario Duguay, Tarot Vintage by Sasha Graham

Disclaimer: This is a collective read. This might not be reflective of your unique situation. If it doesn’t resonate, please do ignore this read. Also, very often roles can be reversed.

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