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Pisces Missing His/Her Aries, Leo, or Sagittarius – Tarot Pull

May 11, 2024 | Aries, Leo, Pisces, Sagittarius

Remember: Even if this post was from a while ago, you are seeing this because you were meant to see this. Time is fluid. If you’re here, this message was meant for you.

Today I pulled for a Pisces who misses his or her Fire Sign love: an Aries, Leo, or Sagittarius.

The question asked of the Universe and Guides was: How do an Aries, Leo, and Sagittarius feel about the Pisces who is missing them so much and who is always on their mind?

Cards pulled:

Tarot: The Nine of Wands, the Seven of Pentacles (reversed), and the Four of Pentacles (reversed).
Love Message from Your Person: I become apprehensive about being candid with you.
Angel Oracle Message: New Love – a new person has stirred your romantic feelings.

My interpretation:

The person you long for appears to be experiencing considerable uncertainty at this time. On one hand, the Nine of Wands suggests they are inclined to make an effort to resolve issues with you. They see potential for overcoming challenges and are determined to persevere. However, the reversed Seven of Pentacles indicates they are on the verge of giving up. The relationship has not progressed as they had hoped, and it no longer meets their expectations. They exhibit a wavering, indecisive energy.

The reversed Four of Pentacles suggests that negative emotions such as jealousy, possessiveness, or insecurity may have created obstacles between you both. These emotions have likely contributed to their ambivalence.

The message conveyed on their spirit card suggests that your person struggled to open up emotionally, which may have left you feeling insecure about the relationship. Emotional neglect can indeed erode the foundation of any relationship.

Your angels, through their oracle card, suggest that it may be time to explore other avenues for love. This advice encourages you to consider seeking love and fulfillment elsewhere, recognizing that sometimes, moving on is the healthiest option for personal growth and happiness.

Decks Used:

Gold Foil Tarot by Kiino, The Romance Angels Oracle Cards by Doreen Virtue, Love Messages for No Communication by Sishui

Disclaimer: This is a collective read. This might not be reflective of your unique situation. If it doesn’t resonate, please do ignore this read. Also, very often roles can be reversed.

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