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Pisces Relationship Healing – Don’t Try to Force Anything

Jul 24, 2024 | Pisces

Remember: Even if this post was from a while ago, you are seeing this because you were meant to see this. Time is fluid. If you’re here, this message was meant for you.

Today I pulled for the collective Pisces sign to ask for messages and guidance on healing or improving a romantic connection.

The question asked of the Universe and Guides was: For the collective sign of Pisces (Sun, Moon, and Rising), how can they heal or improve a romantic connection? What guidance do you have for them?

Cards pulled:

Angel Oracle: God Box clarified by the Knight of Swords, Strength, and the Seven of Pentacles.
Spirit Animal: Ant – Perserverence clarified by The Hanged Man, King of Cups, and The Star.

My interpretation:

The first angel message you received is “God Box,” which reads, “Write any worries, concerns, or desires on a piece of paper that you put into a special container called a ‘God Box’, as a way of letting go and allowing the Divine to help you.” In relation to the rest of your reading, this card suggests that your angels are advising you not to force anything. Instead, hand over your worries and desires to the Divine. Ask your angels for assistance in whatever you need, and then release it. This card is clarified by the Knight of Swords, Strength, and the Seven of Pentacles. The angels are encouraging you to maintain strong faith and trust that they are supporting you. The Seven of Pentacles represents patience, while the Knight of Swords signifies impatience and urgency. The angels are guiding you to cease being impatient and to stop trying to control everything. When you practice patience and allow the Universe to work on your behalf, you will eventually reap the rewards.

The next card you received is “Ant – Perseverance,” which reads, “This is a message of patience. Whatever is going on right now, you cannot be so impetuous. By pacing yourself, the end result will be far more rewarding. Slow down, don’t rush, work carefully, and learn to accept help from others.” This card aligns perfectly with the previous message! Again, it emphasizes the importance of patience and advises you to accept help from others, including your spirit guides and angels. Trust in them. This card is clarified by The Hanged Man, the King of Cups, and The Star. The angels are telling you to seek balance within your relationship and to metaphorically hang in there. Let go of your need to control or direct this relationship. For now, all that is required of you is patience. When you can let go and allow the Universe to take over, there will be a significant renewal for you in both life and love.

This is a beautiful message for you, dear Pisces. Whether you are together or separated from someone, the angels are asking you to take a step back and let them do the heavy lifting. Give your pain and problems to God, and they will be taken care of. The angels have your back. All you need to do is rest and surrender.

Decks Used:

In2itarot by Kimberley Aria, Angel Therapy Oracle Deck by Doreen Virtue, and Spirit Animal Oracle Deck by Iksya.

Disclaimer: This is a collective read. This might not be reflective of your unique situation. If it doesn’t resonate, please do ignore this read. Also, very often roles can be reversed.

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