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Romantic Love for Capricorn Mid-May 2024

May 15, 2024 | Capricorn

Remember: Even if this post was from a while ago, you are seeing this because you were meant to see this. Time is fluid. If you’re here, this message was meant for you.

Today I pulled for the collective Capricorn sign.

The question asked of the Universe and Guides was: What is coming for Capricorn in romantic love for Mid-May, 2024. This is a collective read so it will not resonate for anyone. This read is for singles, those in a relationship, or in a situationship.

Cards pulled:

Overall Energy: The Two of Pentacles
Tarot: The Four of Cups, the Sun, the Five of Cups.
Oracle Message: Miracles.
Angel Oracle Message: Four of Fire and Eight of Fire.

My interpretation:

It seems that obstacles are hindering your romantic contentment, dear Capricorn. The overarching theme is delicately balanced, depicted by the Two of Cups. While you’re managing your life, you might be overwhelmed by various responsibilities, barely maintaining what holds significance to you. Any slight disruption could lead to significant consequences due to the burden of too many obligations. This excessive load prevents you from freely investing in your romantic relationship.

This disparity is vividly illustrated in your tarot spread. Positioned at the center is The Sun, radiating ultimate personal joy and fulfillment. However, flanking The Sun are elements of negativity. The Four of Cups signifies indifference and a lack of enthusiasm towards existing blessings. Your partner may desire more of your time and attention, but your packed schedule leaves you drained, unable to reciprocate fully. Meanwhile, the Five of Cups signifies disappointment and remorse, serving as a cautionary tale. Your partner represents The Sun, and by prioritizing their needs with adequate time and energy, you can nurture a profoundly satisfying relationship. Yet, persisting in the state of overwhelm depicted by the Four of Cups may jeopardize this sunny connection, leading to eventual regret symbolized by the Five of Cups.

Your spirit oracle card:

Miracles: You’re being asked to pay extra close attention to all the big and small miracles that have already occurred in your life and also to those that are currently occurring and are still to come. Miracles surround you. Be on the lookout for them.

The universe might be sending some positive vibes your way! Receiving this card is truly auspicious as it signifies the occurrence of both significant and minor miracles in your life. Perhaps you’ll stumble upon more efficient ways to handle your multitude of responsibilities!

Angel Guardian Messages:

Four of Fire:  “We have watched with admiration as you made your way to this place. It’s time for rejoicing but also a time for peace. Allow yourself to be in joyful reflection and take pride in what you have accomplished in your personal and professional life.”

Eight of Fire:  “Take a deep breath! We know you are feeling anxiety in the face of all the opportunities before you. But when you’re tempted to give in to overwhelm, remind yourself that you’re actually very blessed. Focus on the dreams coming true and ask for assistance. Remember … we guardian angels are amazing multitaskers!”

The cards indicate a necessity for you to step back and prioritize self-care. Despite your feeling of unfinished tasks looming, it’s essential to allow yourself some space while enlisting the support of your celestial guardians. Dedicate some well-deserved time to yourself and to nurturing your relationships, especially as indicated in the earlier part of your reading. Your involvement with someone requires your affection and focus, a sentiment echoed by your angels.

Decks Used:

Classic Tarot by Fofeadm, Mind Info Oracle Cards by Sishui, Guardian Angel Messages Tarot by Radleigh Valentine

Disclaimer: This is a collective read. This might not be reflective of your unique situation. If it doesn’t resonate, please do ignore this read. Also, very often roles can be reversed.

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