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Sagittarius – Past Person Realizes You Are the One, Current Person Is Dedicated

Sep 18, 2024 | Sagittarius

Remember: Even if this post was from a while ago, you are seeing this because you were meant to see this. Time is fluid. If you’re here, this message was meant for you.

Today I pulled for the collective Sagittarius sign to ask about their past and current person’s feelings toward them and the secrets they hold. 

The question asked of the Universe and Guides was: “How does the past person on the mind of Sagittarius in a romantic connection feel about them emotionally? How does the current person feel about them? Please provide the secrets each hides from Sagittarius.”

Cards pulled:

Past Person
Tarot: Ten of Cups, Page of Cups, Ace of Pentacles (reversed)
Secrets: Cyber Bully clarified by The Stars

Current Person
Tarot: Five of Cups, Page of Pentacles, Knight of Pentacles
Secrets: Child Services clarified by The Key

My interpretation:

Past Person

This past person envisions you as their future, dear Sagittarius. It seems that their feelings for you have recently resurfaced with renewed intensity. The tarot cards drawn for this reading are the Ten of Cups, the Page of Cups, and the Ace of Pentacles reversed.

The Ten of Cups represents the pinnacle of emotional fulfillment, and in their eyes, you are the source of their ultimate happiness. They see a future filled with love, joy, and harmony with you—essentially, you embody their vision of a perfect and contented life. They dream of having it all with you, building a family, and sharing life’s joys together.

The Page of Cups signals the renewal of their emotions toward you. It’s as if they’ve had an epiphany, realizing suddenly and with passion that you are “the one.” These new feelings are bubbling to the surface, creating a surge of romantic desire. The Page is also a card of youthful, fresh energy, suggesting that your past person wants to begin again, offering you a new start with them, hoping that you’ll accept.

However, the Ace of Pentacles reversed indicates a sense of loss, missed opportunities, or delays. This person feels like they may have squandered their chances with you. Despite the emotional depth and clarity they now feel, they’re weighed down by the fear that they’ve already missed their moment to rekindle the relationship. There may have been opportunities they didn’t act on, and now, they wonder if the window for reconciliation has closed.

The secret they’ve kept from you is revealed by the card “Cyber Bully,” which states, “You are being bullied online, or they are, have suffered from it, etc.” This is clarified by The Stars from the Lenormand deck, a card associated with hope, optimism, and inspiration. This combination suggests that they might have engaged in online behavior that they deeply regret. Perhaps they stalked you or even harassed you, but they did so covertly, leaving you unaware that it was them behind such actions. They now hope fervently that you won’t discover the truth, and their optimism lies in the belief that this transgression won’t come to light. This may not have been malicious harassment, but there is something they did online that they are ashamed of and fear could ruin their chance to reconcile with you.

Current Person

Your current partner is deeply devoted to you, dear Sagittarius, but they carry a burden of guilt. The tarot cards drawn to reflect their feelings are the Five of Cups, the Page of Pentacles, and the Knight of Pentacles.

The Five of Cups symbolizes sorrow, regret, and guilt. There is a lingering sadness in your partner’s heart, as if they feel responsible for something that has caused pain in the relationship. This guilt may be over a past action, words left unspoken, or something that you may or may not be aware of. Either way, it weighs heavily on them, and they are grappling with this feeling of remorse.

The Page of Pentacles here suggests that they are ready to make amends. This card often represents a fresh offer, a gesture of goodwill, and in this context, it seems like an apology. If there has been tension or a misunderstanding between you two, your partner wants to take responsibility and extend an olive branch. They want to move forward, learn from the past, and rebuild the connection. This is not a superficial apology; it’s a sincere offering to start anew.

The Knight of Pentacles embodies dedication, responsibility, and hard work. Your partner is steadfast and willing to put in the necessary effort to maintain and nurture your relationship. This is someone who takes commitments seriously and will go to great lengths to repair any damage done. They are willing to work through any challenges and are fully committed to the long-term health of the connection.

The secret they may be hiding from you is reflected in the card “Child Services,” which reads, “Kids at risk of being taken or is about to report something, neglect, abuse.” The clarifying card is The Key, which is about liberation, destiny, and resolution. This secret likely stems from your partner’s past rather than the present. It could indicate a childhood spent in difficult circumstances, perhaps involving state custody or a troubled upbringing. This is a deeply personal and painful part of their history, one they may prefer to keep hidden. Though it was a traumatic experience, it ultimately led them to a better place. They’ve since found healing, but it’s a chapter they may still struggle to share with others, including you.

Decks Used:

Broken Mirror Tarot, What’s the Tea Oracle by Sishui, Slavic Folklore Lenormand Deck by Faina Lorah

Disclaimer: This is a collective read. This might not be reflective of your unique situation. If it doesn’t resonate, please do ignore this read. Also, very often roles can be reversed.

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