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Sagittarius September ❤️- Changing Thoughts and Total Transformation

Sep 4, 2024 | Sagittarius

Remember: Even if this post was from a while ago, you are seeing this because you were meant to see this. Time is fluid. If you’re here, this message was meant for you.

Today I pulled for the collective Sagittarius sign about what to expect for love and relationships in September. 

The question asked of the Universe and Guides was: “What can Sagittarius expect for romantic love in September? Please provide an oracle card for singles and one for those in committed relationships and clarify each with tarot. Please provide another oracle card for each.”

Cards pulled:

Singles: Window of Dreams
Tarot: Ten of Pentacles, The Fool (reversed), King of Swords.
Oracle card: Voyage

Committed: The Fire of Rebirth
Tarot: The Devil, Judgement, Two of Cups
Oracle card: Direction

My interpretation:

For single Sagittarians, your oracle card is “Window of Dreams,” which urges you to “Discover the mysteries that lurk in dreams.” Spirit is encouraging you to shift your focus from what’s wrong to what you truly desire. This is supported by the Ten of Pentacles, The Fool in reverse, and the King of Swords. The Ten of Pentacles symbolizes the fulfillment of all your hopes and dreams—abundance in love, wealth, joy, and family. Spirit is guiding you to envision this perfect life vividly. The Fool in reverse represents unclear thinking and poor decisions, perhaps reflecting your tendency to dwell on past mistakes. In contrast, the King of Swords embodies mental clarity and strength, urging you to adopt this mindset. Spirit is asking you to harness this mental clarity, focusing on positivity and your true desires. This is a form of manifestation—by focusing on the good, you attract it. If you dwell on negativity, you draw more of it to you. For love and romance this month, concentrate on what you truly want, even if it’s a specific person from your past. Your next oracle card, “Voyage,” advises you to “Set sail on a new course,” aligning perfectly with this message. By redirecting your thoughts, you may attract the love you desire this month!

For Sagittarians in relationships, the oracle card drawn is “The Fire of Rebirth,” which says, “Reborn in the flames to gain new life.” Your relationship is set for a remarkable and positive transformation this month—a complete rebirth! This is confirmed by The Devil, Judgement, and the Two of Cups. The Devil might represent the flames mentioned in the oracle card, symbolizing past toxicity and obsession. Perhaps you’ve recently faced some difficult, toxic patterns in your relationship. But don’t worry! Judgement is a card of forgiveness, mercy, and transformation. It suggests that both you and your partner will undergo a significant transformation, leading to a deeper commitment. The Two of Cups, the most romantic card in the deck, further emphasizes this. It’s the card of soulmates, representing two souls coming together in perfect harmony. This month, you and your partner will elevate each other, reaching a higher level of mutual love and benefit. You also received the card “Direction,” which advises you to “Trust your inner compass and find your bearings.” Spirit is guiding you to trust your intuition during this transformative time, assuring you that you will make the right decisions.

Decks Used:

Gold Foil Tarot (Rose) by Lyingfish, The Unknown Crisis Cards, Sea Melodies Oracle by Jessica Le.

Disclaimer: This is a collective read. This might not be reflective of your unique situation. If it doesn’t resonate, please do ignore this read. Also, very often roles can be reversed.

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