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Sagittarius Versus the Elements – What Are Their Intentions Toward You?

Jul 31, 2024 | Sagittarius

Remember: Even if this post was from a while ago, you are seeing this because you were meant to see this. Time is fluid. If you’re here, this message was meant for you.

Today I pulled for the collective Sagittarius sign to ask about the intention of the person on their mind, broken down by the signs of the elements.

The question asked of the Universe and Guides was: What are the intentions of each of the four elemental groups of astrological signs, as collectives and as the person on the mind of the Sagittarius, toward the Sagittarius in romantic connections?

Cards pulled:

Fire (Aries, Leo, Sagittarius): Eight of Swords, Two of Cups, Five of Pentacles.
Earth (Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn): Four of Pentacles (reversed), Six of Swords, The Lovers.
Air (Gemini, Libra, Aquarius): Wheel of Fortune, Three of Cups, Seven of Swords.
Water (Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces): Two of Pentacles, Knight of Wands, Queen of Cups.

My interpretation:

Fire Signs: Aries, Leo, and Sagittarius: If the person on your mind belongs to this group, they are deeply consumed with thoughts of you. This person loves you wholeheartedly and feels that you are their soulmate, as indicated by the Two of Cups. To them, you are everything—their true partner, with abundant love. However, they feel left out in the cold, abandoned, or ignored, as shown by the Five of Pentacles. This sense of emotional neglect or lack of care has caused them immense stress and mental turmoil, represented by the Eight of Swords. They are constantly thinking about you, questioning if you truly love them, and might suffer from low self-esteem or other insecurities. Despite these feelings of insecurity, this person is fully in love with you, and their heart belongs to you. Their intentions are to love you and express this love whenever they can.

Earth Signs: Taurus, Virgo, and Capricorn: If the person on your mind belongs to this group, they feel that you don’t always see eye to eye, as indicated by the Four of Pentacles in reverse. There is a disconnect between you, a misalignment that both of you seem to struggle to overcome. Despite this disharmony, this person loves and chooses you, as shown by The Lovers card. They see you as their person, their soulmate, and they want to fix any lingering issues and steer the relationship into calmer waters, as depicted by the Six of Swords. Their intentions are to smooth over any ruffled feathers and work towards a more harmonious relationship.

Air Signs: Gemini, Libra, and Aquarius: If the person on your mind belongs to this group, it doesn’t seem like they are after anything too serious, at least not right now. This person is intent on wooing you, and if you’re not giving them any attention, they want to change that scenario, as indicated by the Wheel of Fortune. They seek a change that will benefit them and bring about your good graces. Their intention is to date you, to go out and have a good time with you, as shown by the Three of Cups. However, beware of the Seven of Swords lurking in the background. This suggests that they might want to hide things from you, possibly to protect themselves from becoming emotionally attached or because they are looking for a good time with no strings attached. Alternatively, they might intend to deceive you in some way. Regardless of the specifics, this person isn’t looking for a serious commitment; they simply want to have a good time.

Water Signs: Cancer, Scorpio, and Pisces: If the person on your mind belongs to this group, they are seeking an extremely balanced and healthy connection with you. This person exhibits many positive qualities in terms of their intentions. With the Two of Pentacles, they seek equilibrium with you, wanting balance and fairness—a connection that balances well with other priorities in life. The Knight of Wands indicates that they are very passionate about you, finding you incredibly attractive and sexy, and they can’t wait to be with you. The Queen of Cups shows that this person is completely emotionally available, seeking to love and nurture you. Their intentions are incredibly pure and varied; they want it all with you, striving for a relationship that is both healthy and realistic.

Decks Used:

Barbieri Zodiac Oracle by Barbara Moore and Paola Barbieri, Tattoo Tarot: Ink & Intuition by Megamunden & Diana McMahon Collis.

Disclaimer: This is a collective read. This might not be reflective of your unique situation. If it doesn’t resonate, please do ignore this read. Also, very often roles can be reversed.

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