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Single Gemini – Apologize Now, Committed Gemini – Your Light is Fading

Sep 23, 2024 | Gemini

Remember: Even if this post was from a while ago, you are seeing this because you were meant to see this. Time is fluid. If you’re here, this message was meant for you.

Today I pulled for the collective Gemini sign to ask about actionable guidance for singles looking for love and those in committed partnerships.

The question asked of the Universe and Guides was: “What should single Gemini who are looking for love be focused on or actively doing and what should those Gemini who are in committed relationships be focused on or actively doing with regard to their partnership? Please also provide an overall message to all.”

Cards pulled:

Starseed Oracle: I’m Sorry
Tarot: The Hierophant (reversed), Six of Cups (reversed), The Hanged Man (reversed)

Starseed Oracle: You’re Not for Everyone
Tarot: Five of Pentacles, The High Priestess, The Magician (reversed)

Overall Message
Lace Oracle: Drops of Jupiter

My interpretation:


Dear Gemini, the Oracle card pulled for you is “I’m Sorry,” and its message reads, “Defenselessness, Righting past wrongs, and Uprooting.” This card comes to you as an invitation to lay down your defenses and take responsibility for any harm you may have caused in the past. It encourages you to acknowledge the hurt you’ve inflicted without perceiving it as an attack on yourself. Spirit is guiding you to make amends and set aside your ego. Now is the time to apologize where it is needed and to heal old wounds.

The tarot cards clarifying this message are The Hierophant reversed, the Six of Cups reversed, and The Hanged Man reversed. The Hierophant in reverse indicates an energy of nonconformity and rebellion. It suggests that, deep down, you know you’ve wronged someone from your past, but instead of making things right, you’re resisting the traditional path of apology and reconciliation. Perhaps it’s because of pride or fear of a bruised ego that you are holding back, despite the love and longing you still feel for this person. The Six of Cups reversed speaks of being stuck in the past, unable to let go. This card could symbolize a past relationship or unresolved childhood trauma that makes it difficult for you to move on or admit your mistakes. Something from your past might be influencing your current relationships, causing you to hurt those you care about.

The Hanged Man reversed represents stubbornness and refusal to see things from another’s perspective. Dear Gemini, this is a clear sign that it’s time to release the need for control and accept responsibility for your actions. Let go of your rigid stance and be open to understanding the hurt you’ve caused. If you can step into this space of humility and accountability, healing may begin. It is even possible that this could lead to reconciliation with a former love. But first, you must be willing to apologize and make peace with the past.


For Geminis in committed relationships, the Oracle card you received is “You’re Not for Everyone,” which reads, “Embrace your weirdness, face your true north.” This card reminds you that you do not need to conform to the expectations of others or change who you are to fit into someone else’s ideal. Spirit is encouraging you to fully embrace your authentic self. Those who truly love and accept you will do so without hesitation, while those who wish you were different are not aligned with your truth.

You may be feeling some discomfort in your current relationship. There’s a sense that you are unable to be your true self with your partner, and this is creating a rift. Your partner should support and elevate who you are, not suppress or diminish your essence. The tarot cards clarifying this— the Five of Pentacles, The High Priestess, and The Magician reversed—offer deeper insight. The Five of Pentacles indicates feelings of rejection and loneliness. You may feel that when you express your true self, your partner is unhappy, leading you to feel left out or unaccepted.

The High Priestess signifies silence and secrecy. It suggests that you are holding back parts of yourself, keeping your true nature hidden because your partner has not made you feel safe or comfortable enough to fully express who you are. This emotional suppression can create a growing distance between you and your partner, as you are not being allowed to shine in your authenticity.

The Magician reversed points to manipulation and a misuse of power. Gemini, this suggests that there is a subtle or even overt manipulation in your relationship that is stifling your energy. This manipulation may not be obvious, but it’s causing you to dim your light and feel less than your true self. Spirit is urging you to examine whether this relationship is truly right for you. If this person is causing you to feel diminished or manipulated, it may be time to reconsider the connection. The light within you deserves to shine brightly, not be hidden or suppressed.

Overall Message

For all Geminis, the Oracle card received is “Drops of Jupiter,” which speaks to the energy of grief and acceptance. The guidebook explains that it’s important to acknowledge your pain and allow yourself to feel the depth of your emotions. Sometimes, we lose things or people that we deeply care about, and it’s okay to grieve these losses. You are being called to accept that loss is a natural part of life, and while it may feel unbearable at times, what you have lost will return to you in some form—though not always in the way you expect.

For both singles and those in relationships, there seems to be something or someone you dearly miss. Spirit encourages you to fully feel this grief without suppressing it. Speak it aloud, release it to the Universe, and surrender to the process of healing. Know that in due time, what was lost will either return in its original form or transform into something new and even more aligned with your path. Trust that the Universe has a plan for you, dear Gemini, and in this time of grieving and healing, you are being divinely guided and supported.

Decks Used:

Masonic Tarot by Patricio Diaz Silva, The Starseed Oracle by Rebecca Campbell and Danielle Noel, Destiny Lace Oracle by Lisa Santine.

Disclaimer: This is a collective read. This might not be reflective of your unique situation. If it doesn’t resonate, please do ignore this read. Also, very often roles can be reversed.

A personalized reading will provide more accurate information. Book a personalized reading with Pythia today.

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