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Single Gemini – This New Love Coming In Is Full Of Hope for the Future

Jun 10, 2024 | Gemini

Remember: Even if this post was from a while ago, you are seeing this because you were meant to see this. Time is fluid. If you’re here, this message was meant for you.

Today I pulled for the collective Gemini sign to ask about the energy of the new love headed toward Gemini. 

The question asked of the Universe and Guides was: For the collective sign of Gemini (Sun, Moon and Rising) who are single or just started to date someone new, tell me about the energy of new love headed toward the Geminis.

Cards pulled:

Tarot: Two of Pentacles clarified by The Moon, Nine of Wands clarified by the Eight of Cups, Four of Pentacles clarified by the Nine of Cups.
Archetype Oracle Card: The Practical – The pros of dating a practical person are that they are here for the long haul, meaning they do plan things ahead.
Guidance Oracle Card: Bravery – You’re being asked to make a tough decision that you’ve been putting off because of fear, which is understandable. But you do have the strength and bravery to make this decision. And you will feel so much lighter when you do.

My interpretation:

With the Two of Pentacles clarified by The Moon, the person coming toward you is somewhat apprehensive about entering a relationship. They are uncertain about how to proceed or move forward, carrying a fair amount of fear and anxiety about becoming romantically attached. They doubt their ability to handle the responsibility, but despite their fears, they are following their instincts and moving towards you. There is a sense that something is guiding them to you, possibly suggesting a divine connection.

The Nine of Wands clarified by the Eight of Cups indicates that this person has endured serious emotional battles. They have been through a lot and might have trust issues or a general dissatisfaction with relationships due to their past experiences. However, they are making an effort to leave this emotional baggage behind. Despite their trauma, they hold onto hope for a better future. They are moving toward you with hope in their heart, ready to leave their past struggles behind.

With the Four of Pentacles clarified by the Nine of Cups, this person has a dream they are holding onto tightly. They envision a happy and fulfilling future in love. Despite having faced significant problems and emotional trauma in past relationships, they are not jaded. They maintain high hopes and a vision of a loving relationship, cherishing this dream deeply.

The Archetype Oracle card you received is “The Practical,” which reinforces that this person is focused on the future. They dream and plan for the future they desire, which is something solid and loving. This practical and forward-looking nature is a wonderful quality.

Your Guidance Oracle Card advises you to be brave and make the decision you have been hesitant about. Is this person coming toward you an ex, which might explain their hurt yet hopeful demeanor? Or is this someone new, and you haven’t quite made up your mind yet? Regardless, it’s time to be courageous and make that decision.

Decks Used:

Classic Design Tarot by MagicSeer, Relationship Archetype Oracle Cards by Sishui, Mind Info Oracle Card by Sishui.

Disclaimer: This is a collective read. This might not be reflective of your unique situation. If it doesn’t resonate, please do ignore this read. Also, very often roles can be reversed.

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