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Single Leo – Trimming the Fat, Committed Leo – Be Authentic

Sep 25, 2024 | Leo

Remember: Even if this post was from a while ago, you are seeing this because you were meant to see this. Time is fluid. If you’re here, this message was meant for you.

Today I pulled for the collective Leo sign to ask about actionable guidance for singles looking for love and those in committed partnerships.

The question asked of the Universe and Guides was: “What should single Leos who are looking for love be focused on or actively doing and what should those Leos who are in committed relationships be focused on or actively doing with regard to their partnership? Please also provide an overall message to all.”

Cards pulled:

Starseed Oracle: Lifting the Veil
Tarot: Page of Wands, The Chariot, Two of Wands

Starseed Oracle: Whale and Orca Elders
Tarot: Page of Pentacles (reversed), The Sun, The Empress (reversed) paired with Death.

Overall Message
Lace Oracle: P.S. I Love You

My interpretation:


Leo, the stars are aligning for a powerful transformation in your love life! You are stepping into a time where you will command the singles scene with confidence and a renewed sense of self. The message from the Starseed Oracle is “Lifting the Veil,” a card that resonates with deep introspection and the need for alignment. It tells you, “Question everything. Anything unaligned must go.” This advice speaks to the importance of clearing out old energy, releasing what no longer serves you, and creating space for something new. The Oracle urges you to do a thorough review of your life—let go of negative patterns, people, or mindsets that are blocking your path to personal growth. Consider this time in your life as a reinvention, a powerful reset that brings you closer to your true desires.

This transformation is echoed in the tarot with three clarifying cards: the Page of Wands, The Chariot, and the Two of Wands. The Page of Wands is brimming with excitement and youthful enthusiasm, symbolizing the start of something new and vibrant. Spirit encourages you to embrace this new version of yourself with open arms, full of passion and eagerness for the adventures ahead. It’s as if you’re standing on the edge of a grand journey, envisioning the person you want to become and the love you wish to attract.

Next comes The Chariot, which amplifies this message of forward momentum and control. You are in the driver’s seat, Leo! You have the power to steer your life in any direction, making decisions about where you want to go, who you want to meet, and how you will shape your future. This is your time to forge a path that is entirely yours, with no restraints or limitations.

Finally, the Two of Wands reflects the moment of careful planning and goal setting. As you look ahead, you’re not only dreaming about what’s possible but taking practical steps to make it happen. This card reminds you to think long-term—set clear intentions for what you want in a relationship and how you envision your love life unfolding.

Dear Leo, this reading signals a powerful period of clearing, cutting away what is no longer needed, and stepping boldly into a future where love awaits. Once you’ve done a mental and emotional purge of what’s holding you back—whether it be limiting beliefs or lingering attachments from the past—you will step into a life filled with fresh possibilities, and in this new space, love will find you.


For those Leos in committed relationships, the Universe has a different but equally important message for you. The Starseed Oracle has given you the card of Whale and Orca Elders, which calls you to “Share your song. Frequency of Sound. Diving Deep.” This card is an invitation to open your heart fully and allow your partner to see every facet of who you are. It’s not about showing only the parts of yourself that are easy or polished—it’s about revealing your deepest truths, the joys, the sorrows, the doubts, and the dreams. The Universe is asking for vulnerability, Leo. It’s time to let your partner into the sacred spaces of your soul.

The tarot clarifies this message with the Page of Pentacles reversed, The Sun, and The Empress reversed, paired with Death. The Page of Pentacles reversed suggests that you may be carrying unspoken worries or disappointments. Perhaps you’ve faced setbacks recently, or you feel a lack of direction. These concerns weigh heavily on you, yet you might not be sharing these burdens with your partner. Instead, you could be projecting an image of brightness and positivity, represented by The Sun. You may present yourself as someone with everything under control, hiding the internal struggles you face. Alternatively, for some of you, it may be the reverse—you are showing your challenges but not your joys.

The message here is clear: it’s time to balance the scales and be your authentic self in your relationship. The Universe is urging you to share all parts of yourself with your partner, not just the parts you think are acceptable or easy. The Empress reversed coupled with Death indicates that continuing to suppress your true self is a form of self-neglect. If you deny yourself the freedom to be fully known and seen by your partner, you risk emotional harm, and in the long run, it could lead to a breakdown in the relationship. Death signifies transformation—a call to let go of old habits of withholding and embrace a deeper, more authentic connection. This is a rebirth of the relationship, where honesty and openness are the foundation of your love.

Leo, when you gather the courage to be your true self in love, your relationship will flourish. Authenticity isn’t just a choice—it’s the bedrock of a strong, lasting partnership.

Overall Message

For all Leos, the overarching message comes from the Destiny Lace Oracle card, “P.S. I love you.” This card speaks to the importance of self-love, a theme that beautifully weaves together both the single and committed readings. For singles, you are embarking on a journey of self-reinvention, and the love you pour into yourself during this transformation will guide you toward the kind of romantic relationship you desire. You’ve learned so much from your experiences, and now you understand what brings you happiness and what doesn’t. By cutting away what no longer serves you, you are stepping into a new phase of life with a deep sense of self-respect and love.

For those in committed relationships, self-love is equally crucial. To express your truth and be authentically you requires deep compassion for yourself. Only when you accept and love who you truly are can you share that love and acceptance with your partner. The journey to true connection with another begins with the love you cultivate within yourself.

Decks Used:

Masonic Tarot by Patricio Diaz Silva, The Starseed Oracle by Rebecca Campbell and Danielle Noel, Destiny Lace Oracle by Lisa Santine.

Disclaimer: This is a collective read. This might not be reflective of your unique situation. If it doesn’t resonate, please do ignore this read. Also, very often roles can be reversed.

A personalized reading will provide more accurate information. Book a personalized reading with Pythia today.

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