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The Romance Angels Oracle Review

The Romance Angels Oracle
by: Doreen Virtue
44 Cards

Although the author has distanced herself from her numerous oracle cards and spiritual beliefs, The Romance Angels remains one of the most popular oracle decks for love and romance. Nearly every tarot reader owns a copy, even if they find the messages a bit too sugary. It’s almost like a deck you simply must have—an essential love oracle.

While many feel upset that Doreen now regards such tools as demonic, I don’t feel anger, only sadness. She was targeted by the very forces she feared and became a victim. We should all keep her in our thoughts and prayers.

The Romance Angels box and back of deck stack
3 cards from The Romance Angels deck of Pat Attention to the Red Flags, Deception, and Release Your Ex.
But… moving on, let’s focus on the cards themselves rather than the author’s change in beliefs.

While some people find her decks overly sweet and optimistic, this deck, in particular, includes several cards that deliver cautionary messages and warnings about love. Here are a few examples. Perhaps the bright pink design gives the impression of positivity, but many of these cards convey messages from angels and guides that are quite different from what many hopeful individuals want to hear.

Of course, there are also many cards that offer hope to those with broken hearts. These are the cards people often long to see, but Spirit may be hesitant to reveal. This reluctance stems from the gap between intention and action; people may desire reconciliation and hold onto hope, but they rarely take steps toward it due to a fear of rejection.

Often, people yearn for each other without realizing it, each assuming the other has moved on. It’s this miscommunication that Spirit is more likely to highlight.

3 cards from THe Romance Angels Oracle of Reconciliation, Heart-to_heart Conversations, and Past-Life Relationship
3 cards from The Romance Angels Oracle cards of Getting to KNow Each Other, Playfulness, Make the Effort.

This deck offers a diverse range of messages about love and romance, covering every aspect imaginable. It is one of the best oracle decks to add clarity and depth to love and romance tarot readings.

That is the legacy Doreen has left us.