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Taurus in Romantic Conflict – Your Person Feels Betrayed

Jun 3, 2024 | Taurus

Remember: Even if this post was from a while ago, you are seeing this because you were meant to see this. Time is fluid. If you’re here, this message was meant for you.

Today I pulled for the collective Taurus sign who are in romantic conflict. I asked Spirit how Taurus viewed the conflict and how their partner sees it.

The question asked of the Universe and Guides was: For the collective sign of Taurus and those Taurus who are in romantic conflict, how do they view the conflict and how does the person on their mind see the conflict?

Cards pulled:

How you view the conflict (Tarot): The World, Ten of Pentacles (reverse), The Devil.
How do they view the conflict (Tarot):  Seven of Swords, Six of Pentacles, Four of Cups.
Conflict Oracle Card: “Thus it may be known that the leader of armies is the arbiter of the people’s fate, the man on whom it depends whether the nation shall be in peace or in peril.”

My interpretation:

How you view the conflict: In this situation, you feel as if this relationship has run its course. There is a sense of completion, and you believe this cycle is at its end. At one point, you felt as though you had everything with this partner, that everything was perfect and life was grand. But now, that feeling is gone, and the relationship, along with your entire world, has been destroyed. You perceive your partner as having unhealthy habits—perhaps a sex addiction, substance abuse, or an unhealthy attachment style towards you. Whatever the specific issue was, you viewed it as extremely toxic, ultimately leading to the relationship’s demise.

How they view the conflict: Your partner feels deeply betrayed by you. They believe you have unfairly hurt them despite their efforts to make you happy. From their perspective, they have tried to give to you in every way possible, only to be met with apathy and rejection. They feel that no matter what they did, it was never enough, and their efforts were consistently judged as wrong. Your partner feels let down and ignored, carrying a sense of profound disappointment.

Conflict Oracle Card:

Front: “Thus it may be known that the leader of armies is the arbiter of the people’s fate, the man on whom it depends whether the nation shall be in peace or in peril.”

Back: Learn to Tell Good Advice From Bad – Advice is freely available to us every day, all day. How you deal with it all is on you and no one else. The key decisions are yours to make. In order to withstand the ups and downs of life, it is essential that you learn how to tell good advice from bad, in order to find “peace” instead of “peril”.

Your guides are advising you to make decisions independently and not be influenced by external opinions. It may be wise to refrain from discussing your relationship problems with others, except for a trusted few, such as a counselor. If others are urging you to move in one direction or another, take some time to reflect on the issue quietly by yourself. Listen to what your heart and instincts are telling you. Avoid letting too many other voices cloud your judgment, as this could lead you astray.

Decks Used:

Gold Foil Tarot by Kiino, The Art of War Oracle Cards by Sun Tzu.

Disclaimer: This is a collective read. This might not be reflective of your unique situation. If it doesn’t resonate, please do ignore this read. Also, very often roles can be reversed.

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