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The Person Thinking of Sagittarius Wants to Offer Something

Aug 22, 2024 | Sagittarius

Remember: Even if this post was from a while ago, you are seeing this because you were meant to see this. Time is fluid. If you’re here, this message was meant for you.

Today I pulled for the collective Sagittarius sign to ask about who is thinking of Sagittarius and why when it comes to love?

The question asked of the Universe and Guides was: Please provide three cards for who is thinking of Sagittarius in romantic connections and three cards for why. Please also provide three cards from the Zodiac Oracle and one general message card from the Lessons Oracle.

Cards pulled:

Tarot: Ten of Pentacles, Page of Wands, The Moon.

Tarot: Four of Swords, Page of Pentacles, Knight of Swords.

Barbieri Zodiac Oracle: Neptune, Jupiter, Taurus.

General Message
The Soul’s Journey Oracle: Gratitude.

My interpretation:

The person thinking of you is represented by the Ten of Pentacles, the Page of Wands, and The Moon. This individual is currently in a strong and stable place in life. The Ten of Pentacles indicates that they have achieved a level of abundance and fulfillment, having everything they need or desire. If you are currently involved with this person, they feel extremely content and blessed with the life you share together. Even if you aren’t together, they are still living a fulfilled and happy life. The Page of Wands describes them as someone who is adventurous and full of excitement. They have a love for exploration and enjoy embarking on new journeys. The Moon card suggests that they are introspective, often lost in their thoughts, and prone to daydreaming. They may sometimes be consumed by their inner world, occasionally worrying about small things that arise in their mind.

This person is thinking of you because they have been reflecting deeply, as shown by the Four of Swords, the Page of Pentacles, and the Knight of Swords. The Four of Swords reveals that they have been in a state of contemplation, searching for clarity regarding your connection. You occupy their thoughts often, especially during moments of rest or when they are in a reflective, subconscious state. The Page of Pentacles indicates that they want to offer you something meaningful. Whether you are together or apart, this offering could be an expression of peace, perhaps even an apology or a gesture toward a new beginning. The Knight of Swords suggests that they feel a strong urge to take swift action. They are eager to communicate their thoughts, share the conclusions they have reached, and extend their offer to you without delay.

The zodiac cards suggest that this person could be a Taurus, or have Taurus prominently in their chart. The presence of the Neptune card points to Pisces, which is ruled by Neptune, and this connection is further reinforced by the appearance of The Moon card, also associated with Pisces. Additionally, Jupiter, which rules both Pisces and Sagittarius, indicates that they might also have Sagittarius influences in their chart. The energy of Pisces is particularly strong in this reading.

Additional Message
The Soul’s Journey Lesson Card for this situation is “Gratitude,” which states, “I am thankful for this life and the opportunities that it presents.” The Universe is encouraging you, dear Sagittarius, to embrace gratitude in your daily life. Gratitude is a powerful tool that opens you up to even more blessings from the Universe. By focusing on what you are thankful for, you can diminish the power of any negativity that comes your way, allowing you to remain centered and open to the positive experiences and opportunities that life has to offer.

Decks Used:

RWS Panorama Tarot by Deckstiny, The Soul’s Journey Lesson Cards by James Van Praagh, Barbieri Zodiac Oracle by Barbara Moore and Paolo Barbieri.

Disclaimer: This is a collective read. This might not be reflective of your unique situation. If it doesn’t resonate, please do ignore this read. Also, very often roles can be reversed.

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