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Virgo Relationship Healing – If You Do THIS – In Three Months…..

Jul 23, 2024 | Virgo

Remember: Even if this post was from a while ago, you are seeing this because you were meant to see this. Time is fluid. If you’re here, this message was meant for you.

Today I pulled for the collective Virgo sign to ask for messages and guidance on healing or improving a romantic connection.

The question asked of the Universe and Guides was: For the collective sign of Virgo (Sun, Moon, and Rising), how can they heal or improve a romantic connection? What guidance do you have for them?

Cards pulled:

Angel Oracle: Release clarified by The Sun, King of Coins (reversed) and Vernal Equinox.
Spirit Animal: Scorpion – New Beginnings clarified by the Two of Cups, The Devil, and Lunar Eclipse.

My interpretation:

This tarot deck includes several cards on timing, and your spread received two timing cards, which tells me that timing, in your case, is significant. In fact, the way the cards have presented themselves for you is extremely significant, and so I am going to do your reading a little differently based on the positions of the cards, which are in perfect alignment. I’ll be reading the columns rather than the rows.

The first angel message you received is “Release,” which reads, “Work with Archangel Michael to let go of what no longer serves you or your purpose.” The next message received is “Scorpion – New Beginnings,” which reads, “You are invited to instigate change, but you are also being warned that this transformation may be radical. Get rid of everything in your current life that can prevent you from improving. Based on this principle – destroy before rebuilding – you are promised a beneficial rebirth.” Both cards here are telling you to let go of what does not serve you. I asked the angels how you can heal or improve your current romantic connections, and I do feel that for many of you, the angels are telling you that it is time to let go. For others, it is time to let go of toxic behaviors and negative thinking. When this release is achieved, and it might be very dramatic, you are promised something so much better in return! You are being asked to make a sacrifice.

What you need to let go of is clarified by the second column of tarot card clarifiers – The King of Cups in reverse and The Devil. Both of these cards represent toxicity and negativity. The King of Cups could represent a person who exhibits awful traits such as jealousy, defensiveness, and emotional abuse. Or it could represent those same qualities within you that you need to dispense with. The Devil often represents toxic behaviors within a relationship, such as co-dependency, narcissism, sex addiction, and other negative traits. If the person you are dealing with could be represented by these cards, the angels are telling you to let this person go. If these qualities can be found within you, the angels are telling you that now is the time for change. Seek help to rid yourself of these negative issues that are adversely affecting your relationships.

On the right, you are provided a very specific timeline. With the card Vernal Equinox, the angels are telling you that you need to make this change NOW. It is imperative that you begin your transformation right away. If you need to let someone go, the angels are telling you to do it now. Easier said than done, I know. It will be difficult, but for you, dear Virgo, it is necessary. And with the Lunar Eclipse card, you can expect that huge transformation, that gift of abundance as promised to you with the Scorpion card, in about three months. You will begin a brand new emotional cycle, with someone new or within your transformed relationship – and it will be everything you hoped for.

This is shown by the column on the left – The Sun and the Two of Cups! WOW! The Sun card is the happiest card in the deck. It speaks of eternal joy – sunshine and rainbows all around. And the Two of Cups, in my opinion, is the most romantic card in the deck. The Two of Cups depicts the perfect, loving union of two souls. This is what is promised to you if you can manage to let go of what does not serve you NOW. If you are successful, you will have the beginning that romantic legends speak of. A perfect match made in heaven.

Decks Used:

In2itarot by Kimberley Aria, Angel Therapy Oracle Deck by Doreen Virtue, and Spirit Animal Oracle Deck by Iksya.

Disclaimer: This is a collective read. This might not be reflective of your unique situation. If it doesn’t resonate, please do ignore this read. Also, very often roles can be reversed.

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