Today I pulled for the collective Aries sign about the intentions and future actions of the person on their mind in a romantic connection. The question asked of the Universe and Guides was: "What are the intentions of the person on Aries' mind and what are their most...
Aries September ❤️- Emotional Renewal and Hidden Fears
Today I pulled for the collective Aries sign about what to expect for love and relationships in September. The question asked of the Universe and Guides was: "What can Aries expect for romantic love in September? Please provide oracle card for singles and one for...
For Aries Wanting Reconciliation – Initiative and Conflict Resolution
Today I pulled for the collective Aries sign who are looking to reconcile with someone in a romantic partnership. The question asked of the Universe and Guides was: "What does Aries need to know in order to reconcile with their beloved? What advice do you have?" I...
The Person Thinking Of Aries Is Unable to Move On
Today I pulled for the collective Aries sign to ask about who is thinking of Aries and why when it comes to love? The question asked of the Universe and Guides was: Please provide three cards for who is thinking of Aries in romantic connections and three cards for...
Aries, The Person on Their Mind, and Shadow Work
Today I pulled for the collective Aries sign to ask about the shadow work they are meant to help with and learn from regarding the person on their mind in a romantic connection. The question asked of the Universe and Guides was: With respect to the person on the mind...
Aries Past and Present Love – Remorse and Fate
Today I pulled for the collective Aries sign to ask about the past and present romantic connections, the ones on their minds. The question asked of the Universe and Guides was: Please provide a Runes Oracle message for the past and present person in romantic...
Aries Versus the Elements – What Are Their Intentions Toward You?
Today I pulled for the collective Aries sign to ask about the intention of the person on their mind, broken down by the signs of the elements. The question asked of the Universe and Guides was: What are the intentions of each of the four elemental groups of...
Aries Relationship Healing – Positive Visualization on the Desired Outcome
Today I pulled for the collective Aries sign to ask for messages and guidance on healing or improving a romantic connection. The question asked of the Universe and Guides was: For the collective sign of Aries (Sun, Moon, and Rising), how can they heal or improve a...
Aries Messages on a Breakup – This is a Time To Prioritize The Self
Today I pulled for the collective Aries sign to ask for messages and guidance regarding a romantic breakup or separation. The question asked of the Universe and Guides was: For the collective sign of Aries (Sun, Moon, and Rising), what message and guidance can you...
Romantic Love Headed Toward Aries in July – Someone Is Coming Back Around
Today I pulled for the collective Aries sign to ask about romantic love headed toward Aries for the month of July. The question asked of the Universe and Guides was: For the collective sign of Aries (Sun, Moon, and Rising), what can they expect regarding romantic love...
Will They Reach Out to Aries? – They Desire to Reconnect
Today I pulled for the collective Aries sign to ask about the person Aries is missing in a romantic connection to ask if this person is likely to reach out. The question asked of the Universe and Guides was: For the collective sign of Aries (Sun, Moon, and Rising) who...
Aries in No Contact – They See You As Their Soulmate
Today I pulled for the collective Aries sign to ask about the person Aries is not communicating with, a no-contact situation, in the realm of romantic love. The question asked of the Universe and Guides was: For the collective sign of Aries (Sun, Moon and Rising) who...
Single Aries – The New Love Headed Toward You Is On The Rebound
Today I pulled for the collective Aries sign to ask about the energy of the new love headed toward Aries. The question asked of the Universe and Guides was: For the collective sign of Aries (Sun, Moon and Rising) who are single or just started to date someone new,...
Aries – What Do They Want? Major Change From You.
Today I pulled for the collective Aries sign to ask about what the person on their mind wants or needs from the Aries. The question asked of the Universe and Guides was: For the collective sign of Aries, regarding romantic relationships and whether together or...
Aries in Romantic Conflict – You Feel Attacked
Today I pulled for the collective Aries sign who are in romantic conflict. I asked Spirit how Aries viewed the conflict and how their partner sees it. The question asked of the Universe and Guides was: For the collective sign of Aries and those Aries who are in...
Angel Messages for Aries – Let Go Of Stagnant Dreams
Today I pulled for the collective Aries sign and what they need to KNOW, what they need to GROW, and what they need to LET GO regarding their romantic relationships. The question asked of the Universe and Guides was: What are the messages for the collective sign of...
Aries in Soulmate Separation – Open and Soften Your Heart
Today I pulled for the collective Aries sign who are experiencing a soulmate separation. The question asked of the Universe and Guides was: For an Aries suffering from soulmate separation, please provide two cards to illustrate their energy, two cards for the soulmate...
Aries – You and Your Ex Are Both Overwhelmed
Today I pulled for the collective Aries sign who have an ex on their mind. The question asked of the Universe and Guides was: What is the connecting energy between the Collective Aries and the ex on their mind - for those who need to hear this message? I used two more...
Committed Aries – Don’t Ignore Your Partner
Today I pulled for the collective Aries sign who are in committed romantic relationships. The question asked of the Universe and Guides was: What are the messages for the collective sign of Aries who are in committed romantic relationships? What do they need to know...
Aries – Your Ex Wants to Reconnect
Today I pulled for the collective Aries sign with an ex on their mind. The question asked of the Universe and Guides was: For the collective sign of Aries who has an ex on their mind, what is the true intention of that ex toward the Aries? Cards pulled: True...
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