The Kinner Tarot Deck Review
The Kinner Tarot Deck
by: RJ Kinner Art
This deck originated as a Kickstarter project and rapidly garnered attention. The initial edition featured much larger cards, which now seem to be sold out. However, smaller versions of the deck are still available on various international websites.
The version I have appears to be slimmer than the original, resembling other decks created by the artist that also feature a long and narrow card design.
The deck comes in a standard paper box, and the card quality is good. What sets this deck apart is its distinctive, slender shape.

The artwork in this deck is truly unique, characterized by intricate and highly detailed sketches that create a striking contrast of black and golden-white. The images have an ethereal quality, almost as if they possess a ghostly glow.
Some illustrations closely resemble the traditional Rider-Waite designs, while others are entirely the product of the artist’s imagination. For instance, take a look at The Devil card shown here. Instead of the usual depiction of ensnared lovers beneath Satan, I see tormented souls in a pit. What do you see?
While the cups, swords, and pentacles have a subtle, harmonious blend, the wands truly stand out. To me, they resemble what I imagine unicorn horns would look like, though they could also be inspired by the shape of long-nosed conch shells.
Each card is a stunning piece of art that invites deep exploration. I could spend hours examining the intricate details of every card. They beautifully merge the traditional symbolism of the tarot with the artist’s distinct vision, offering countless hidden secrets waiting to be discovered within each illustration.

If you have the chance to get your hands on this deck, I highly recommend it. This is one of those rare finds that you’ll truly cherish, and everyone will be curious about where you found it.
You might be wondering how easy it is to shuffle a deck with these unique dimensions—while it takes a bit of getting used to, you’ll quickly adapt.
It’s an absolutely phenomenal deck, and I’m thrilled to have been able to add it to my collection.