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Capricorn, The Person on Their Mind, and Shadow Work

Capricorn, The Person on Their Mind, and Shadow Work

Today I pulled for the collective Capricorn sign to ask about the shadow work they are meant to help with and learn from regarding the person on their mind in a romantic connection.  The question asked of the Universe and Guides was: With respect to the person on the...

Capricorn in Romantic Conflict – You Feel Utterly Abandoned

Capricorn in Romantic Conflict – You Feel Utterly Abandoned

Today I pulled for the collective Capricorn sign who are in romantic conflict. I asked Spirit how Capricorn viewed the conflict and how their partner sees it. The question asked of the Universe and Guides was: For the collective sign of Capricorn and those Capricorns...

Capricorn – You and Your Ex Never Expected This to Happen

Capricorn – You and Your Ex Never Expected This to Happen

Today I pulled for the collective Capricorn sign who have an ex on their mind. The question asked of the Universe and Guides was: What is the connecting energy between the Collective Capricorn and the ex on their mind - for those who need to hear this message? I used...

Committed Capricorn – It Will Happen Again and Again

Committed Capricorn – It Will Happen Again and Again

Today I pulled for the collective Capricorn sign who are in committed romantic relationships. The question asked of the Universe and Guides was: What are the messages for the collective sign of Capricorns who are in committed romantic relationships? What do they need...

Capricorn – Your Ex Needs Your Safety and Security

Capricorn – Your Ex Needs Your Safety and Security

Today I pulled for the collective Capricorn sign with an ex on their mind. The question asked of the Universe and Guides was: For the collective sign of Capricorn who has an ex on their mind, what is the true intention of that ex toward the Capricorn? Cards pulled:...

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